2015 - 2016 Our Four Finalists

We are excited to announce our four finalists this year. Be looking for the site visit sign ups coming in January. We hope you will join us as we visit all four of these amazing ministries.

Elijah Rising

Asking for $100,000 to fund their aftercare site, Kendleton Farms, for women exiting the commercial sex industry. The farm is 15 minutes south of Sugar Land on 85 acres.

Freedom Place

Asking for $100,000 to build a canine vocational therapy center which helps victims testify in court and trains the young women vocationally.

His Father's Heart Ministries

Asking for $50,000 to expand HFHM locations and begin Crosswalk Center campaign for prisoners released in Harris County.

Hope for Youth

Asking for $100,000 for a 15 passenger bus to transport youth and programming costs for outreach events.


2015 Luncheon Honoring Agape Development

We are excited to announce that Agape Development is the beneficiary of the One Hundred Shares Houston grant for 2014-2015! We had a wonderful luncheon on April 6th honoring Agape Development and giving them a check for $100,000.

Here are a few pictures that captured the energy and passion for the work the Lord is doing in Houston through One Hundred Shares Houston.  click here for the complete album

Our fearless leaders this year!

Our fearless leaders this year!

Our site visit chairs giving Kirk Craig a check for $100,000.

Our site visit chairs giving Kirk Craig a check for $100,000.

Kirk Craig, Agape's Director, gave an encouraging update about the work and vision of Agape Development.

Kirk Craig, Agape's Director, gave an encouraging update about the work and vision of Agape Development.

We ended with all of us circling together to pray for the blessings of this year and for next year!

We ended with all of us circling together to pray for the blessings of this year and for next year!

As we wrap up the 2014-2015 year, we want to say a big thank you to all of our partners. We couldn't do it without each of you. This year we were blessed with 126 members which allowed us to give Agape Development $100,000 and then each of the other finalists, Cornerstone Family Ministries, His Father's Heart Ministries, and LifeHouse Houston, will split the extra $26,000. 

Looking forward, the 2015-2016 One Hundred Shares Houston grant application will be available in early June on our website. Please spread the word to local ministries about our grant. We look forward to seeing where God will lead us to give next year.

Our Four Finalists

We are excited to announce that we have narrowed our first year of grant applications down to the four finalists! All of our applications are worthwhile causes and we feel blessed to have reached so many ministries in our first year. 

The 2014-2015 finalists are:

Agape Development

Cornerstone Family Ministries

His Father's Heart Ministries

Lifehouse Houston

Please join us in praying for these ministries throughout the year. We will hear presentations on these four ministries at our Oct 30th coffee at Christ the King. This spring all of our partners will be invited to attend a site visit for each of these four finalists. During that site visit, you will get to see deeper into the heart and mission of the ministry. We hope you will join us for the coffee, the site visits, and of course in prayer! It is going to be an amazing year.



2014-2015 Grant Application is Available!

The 2014-2015 Grant Application is now available. Please visit our Grant Application page to download the application along with the financial snapshot. We look forward to seeing the different ways the Lord is at work in our city.


Please note the applications are due September 1, 2014. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered for review.


Spread the word! We want to see and hear how the Gospel is being spread throughout Houston.

Partner Duties

As a Partner, you will be able to choose your level of involvemnet. Through a grant application procedure, the board members of One Hundred Shares Houston (OHSH) will review and narrow down the applications to four semi-finalists. You will be invited to attend a Fall Coffee and hear representatives from each of these ministries make presentations about their organization. In January and February, you may wish to participate in the Site Visits of the four semi-finalists and offer your recommendations. Your input will help the board make informed and educated decisions as they pray over and vote on who should receive our gift(s). April will bring the "Awarding of the Grant" Spring Luncheon. On this occasion, OHSH will award the grant funds to one or two ministries. We would encourage your participation in each of these events. However, you may only wish to participate by making an annual contribution.


OHS History

One Hundred Shares was founded in Atlanta in 2006 by a small group of women. They had a dream to give a significant contribution each year to a viable Christian ministry in the Atlanta metro area that serves the needy and proclaims the gospel. Their vision was to gather 100 women who would give $1,000 annually. The result would be the availability each year of a significant contribution of $100,000. This money would be awarded to one or two ($50,00 each) selected organizations, which would enable those organization(s) to move forward to a new level of ministry.

The 2014 formation of our chapter in Houston makes us the sixth One Hundred Shares group joining, Atlanta, Dallas, Tampa, Fort Lauderdale, and San Diego.